
Showing posts with label NYC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NYC. Show all posts

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Coney Island

Coney Island, Brooklyn

New York City is one of my favorite places in the world, it's got everything and it has it all the time. It's crazy and busy and wild, which is why occasionally - if you just happen to be there on one of those perfect sunny days - you need to jump on the F Train and escape towards Brooklyn to bask in the glory and seaside fun that is Coney Island. Dine on hotdogs and Margaritas, swim in the choppy seas, ride the roller coasters and enjoy the endless people watching on the boardwalk. Then just dust off the sand, wipe the mustard from your lips and board the train back to the city so nice, they named it twice. 

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Stills: NYC

New York City

1. Beast Breakfast
2. Reuben
3. These Two.
4. Hot Dog Happiness
5. Rainbow Kinda Day
6. Double Trouble
7. Big City BBQ
8. Funny Bunny
9. Fwoggy
10. Whats Dat Noise?!

Sunday, August 31, 2014



"A portrait of my daughter once a week, every week in 2014" 

Lottie Cakes: We have arrived in the homeland - well the homeland for 2/3 of us at least. I haven't realized how homesick I've been, how much I've missed these familiar shores, until we stepped off and I breathed a sigh of relief. We have a long labor day weekend in Manhattan before boarding an overnight bus to see our US family for 6 glorious, almost autumn weeks! In this photo we are enjoying a diner breakfast with stacks of pancakes, eggs, bacon and unlimited, much needed, drip coffee before hopping on a subway ride to Coney Island for an afternoon of fun in the sun!

Linking up with Practising Simplicity and Living Arrows.